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Raspberry Pi Hosting

We provide RPI hosting (delivered as a VPS, where you get full root access). Real RPI hardware can also be provided, BUT delivery and support time is much higher.

RPI's are great for smaller services, like DNS, web hosting for small sites, and alot more.

All packages include:
- Restarts, setup and installation assistance (best effort within swedish office hours (mon - fri 10AM - 5PM))
- DNS hosting
- 4 Core
- 1 GB memory
- 32 GB storage
- 1 IPv4 address
- 1 IPv6 address (more if needed, no extra cost)
- 40 Mbps port
- 5 TB transfer/month
Price: 160 SEK/month
- For each extra CPU core
Price: 40 SEK/month
- For each extra 1 GB of memory
Price: 20 SEK/month
- For each extra 32 GB of storage
Price: 20 SEK/month
Re-install of OS:
Price: 200 SEK

Prices include all taxes and fees.

PRQ, Box 1092, S-172 22 Sundbyberg /
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